Sub Schools
Junior School
The Junior School is an exciting and vibrant space at Eastern Ranges School. The Junior Sub-School, consists of students with Autism ranging from Foundation to Grade 2. The early years of education are pivotal for our students as they begin to transition to school life and we lay the foundations for their future learning at Eastern Ranges School.
Our building is specifically designed to meet the unique needs of our early years learners. All classrooms have access to sensory break spaces, outdoor learning spaces and private in class bathrooms to assist with the individual needs of all students.
We recognize the key learning that takes place in the early years of schooling, so we take a direct and individualised focus on communication, play skills and emerging independence with all our students.
Play-Based Learning
This specifically targets developmental play and the vital role this has with the development of communication, interaction and social skills.
Play-based learning enables us to explicitly teach students the social constructs involved with positive and meaningful interactions, within a structured environment designed specifically to target their social learning needs.
This space is collaborative in design with input from classroom teachers, specialist teachers and therapy staff.
Structured Teaching
Our whole school pedagogy supports the Structured Teaching Framework and our junior school is no exception to this.
Students begin to work towards their independence from the early years as we introduce them to their individualised schedules to establish predictability within their day. This assists them to navigate their classes and transition with an increased level of independence.
This approach is further enabled in the ways that we present their educational resources. Learning experiences are designed to increase clarity of expectation, clearly define start and end points and reduce levels of prompt dependency which increases students independence in their learning.
Learning experiences are interest based to provide intrinsic motivation for engagement whilst also addressing student ILP goals (Individual Learning Plan) and the Victorian Curriculum.
Access to Specialist Teachers and Aquatics
Junior school students are fortunate to have access to a variety of specialist areas over the course of a school year. Such specialist teachers include;
The Arts (Visual Arts and Performing Arts)
Health and Physical Education
Music Therapy
Students will transition to the corresponding areas and be involved with programs that deliver content according to the Victorian Curriculum within their specialisations.
In addition, Junior school students have access to our school based Aquatics program on a weekly basis throughout the year. This is facilitated by our Health and Physical Education teachers and is further supervised by the classroom staff.
We look forward to continuing to provide innovative and exciting programs in the Junior School, in order to support our enthusiastic little learners.
Upper Primary
Upper Primary comprises students from years three to six.
At this stage, students are well-acquainted with the routines and processes of Eastern Ranges School. Structured teaching remains an integral part of their daily activities. The students navigate the classroom and school environment confidently and purposefully as they follow their learning schedules.
Just like in the Junior and Senior Schools, Upper Primary students participate in a variety of subjects including Visual Arts, Performing Arts, Music, Health and Physical Education (H&PE) and Swimming.
Literacy Programs
In grades 3 and 4, students continue their literacy journey with the Little Learners Love Literacy program. This program is designed to build on the skills acquired in earlier years, ensuring a strong grasp of reading and writing.
As students move into grades 5 and 6, they are introduced to the Read Write Inc framework. Read Write Inc is a rigorous phonics program that creates fluent, enthusiastic and confident readers and engaged writers.
By using systematic and synthetic approaches, both Little Learners Love Literacy and Read Write Inc provide comprehensive support for the diverse literacy needs of students, fostering great literacy skills and a love for learning.
Extracurricular Activities
Upper Primary students have the chance to engage in like-minded groups during special times such as ‘Lunch Clubs.’ Organized by the therapy team, these clubs take place during play times and include activities such as arts and crafts, Bluey Club and Music Club, fostering social interactions and opportunities for communication and creativity.
Celebrations and Events
Throughout the year, we celebrate student achievements and engage with the community through various events. Special occasions like Book Week, Science Week, and Footy Colours Day bring joy and excitement, with both students and staff enthusiastically dressing up and getting involved, making learning fun and interactive.
The Junior Student Representative Council (SRC) takes immense pride and joy in hosting primary assemblies. These events are a highlight for SRC members, who lead their peers and showcase their achievements. Parents are invited to attend, providing a wonderful opportunity for broader school connection.
Year-End Celebrations
The school year concludes with a special “Moving Up” ceremony for year six students who are preparing to transition to secondary school. This event is not only a joyful celebration of their achievements but also an opportunity for students to reflect on the memories they’ve created throughout their primary education. Surrounded by family and friends, they can take pride in the hard work and dedication that has brought them to this important milestone in their educational journey.
Senior School
In the 7-9 area, students are supported heavily to ensure they experience a positive and successful transition to their secondary schooling. Classes remain small to ensure each student is provided with the supports they require to continue to access the curriculum in an age-appropriate manner.
In collaboration with families/parents/carers, staff begin to consider post-school life for our students and complete a Career Action Plan (CAP) for each student in year 7 (or the year they enrol if after year 7.
Students continue to access all areas of the curriculum including humanities and science and are supported to build upon the concepts and skills they developed during their primary years. Specialist programs continue, with all students participating in visual and performing arts, health and P.E. classes weekly.
Students in years 7-9 are provided with the opportunity to participate in inter-school sports, travelling offsite to interact with students from other schools in a fun, engaging environment. These groups are kept small to ensure adequate support may be provided to each student.
Off-site camps are introduced to students during this phase of their schooling, beginning with 1-night camps. These are a wonderful way for our students to continue to develop a wide range of skills that further support their independence, communication and problem-solving skills amongst others.
Victorian Pathways Certificate (VPC)
At Eastern Ranges School, we offer our students in Year 10, 11 and 12 the Victorian Pathways Certificate for their learning.
The Victorian Pathways Certificate (VPC) is an inclusive and flexible certificate that offers learning opportunities that are designed to be engaging for a range of different student needs.
There are 4 curriculum areas that are covered; Literacy, Numeracy, Personal Development Skills and Work Related Skills. Each of those areas are made up of a number of units and modules that cover a wide variety of learning, including hands on skills and ways for students to transfer their learning into their lives post school. It an applied learning approach which allows teaching staff to modify and differentiate the tasks to be specifically tailored to our students, their needs and interests. It is designed for project based learning which has led to fantastic projects such as ERS Coffee Beans Café, a school based pizza business and Transition Expos to name a few.
Within the VPC, students also access a combination of work experience opportunities and/or being enrolled in a School Based Apprenticeship and Traineeship (SBAT) or Vocational Education and Training (VET) courses.
Students who are enrolled in the VPC are required to successfully complete 12 units, from classwork and/or credits from a SBAT or VET course. Students are able to access only parts of the VPC curriculum and be immersed in the learning without being officially enrolled in the certificate. They will receive a Statement of Attainment or a school based certificate on graduating from ERS.